Parking offence - Ticket

Created by Simon 4 years ago


£100 FINE

Dear Car Owner,

As you may know under the Uxbridge and District Parking Conditions (Para. 3.2.1, Sub Para 3.1a) it is currently illegal to park in any multi-storey car park in the environs of Uxbridge, unless you are a member of a local Sports Club (or Gym).  This somewhat restrictive practice has been forced upon the council due to the unexpectedly high cost of disposing of vehicles left on elevated levels by exhausted old northern gits that could not make it back up the stairs to re-enter their vehicles.

You really should have parked at Willowbank.




Fine Amount……………………………….

Screwfix Order No…………………………

Remember the cost of your investments may go down as well as up. Your property may well be put at risk on entering this deal.  Soup of the day is minestrone.