Happy New Year Sweetie Sorry i didn't write to you for Christmas day but it was a bit hectic here!!! I trust you're forgive me for not messaging you? As I'm sure you're aware my mum had a bad fall the week before Christmas and cracked her pelvis and was in hospital for a week, coming home on Boxing Day. So i stayed over at there's looking after my dad. He's quite easy to look after but i missed your support, which i know had you been here i would have had 100%. She's doing well with her mobility and is moving about with a Zimmer frame but I'm sure she's in a lot of pain. My dad was so worried about her when she was in hospital - he clearly loves her so much even after 60 years of marriage. Much the same as i love you and think about you nearly every day. I hope you're enjoying the fireworks and the fact its not too cold out there, just a bit wet. Miss you as much as ever and wish you were still here with me. Lots of Love Simon Xxxxx