Simon 29th December 2020

Hi Kevin Came to talk to you today, god it was cold but at least no rain. It's hard to believe that it was this day last year that 4 of us came to where you are now to scatter your ashes!!! Luckily last year there were no other people about, (unlike today), but that still didn't help our nerves and thoughts of was this the right thing to do for you? Well a year on and I'm more convinced than ever that it was totally the right thing to have done, and I'm so so please we did. I hope your pleased with your final resting place and the great views you have? I know I am and every time I come and visit you I just think is there anywhere more perfect a place to rest than where you are, and my answer is no there isn't, and that's why when my time comes I shall be reunited with you on the same lawn. Love as Always Simon Xxxx